Kyle Simmons and His Trophy at the Iowa Deer Classic

I want to make sure you all know that, amongst hundreds of big Iowa bucks, Kyle Simmons and his new state-record archery non-typical trophy will be present at the Iowa Deer Classic this weekend!

Kyle will be splitting time between our Zach Wildlife Art booth, where a trophy replica will be displayed, and the Hunter’s Specialties booth, where the original rack will be shown.

Make sure you stop by our booth so I can tell you about the upcoming Dream Bucks III painting featuring the Kyle Simmons buck!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="381" caption="Customized version of the North American Whitetail magazine cover"]North American Whitetail - Kyle Simmons Buck - Zach Wildlife Art custom version[/caption]

(And, just for fun, see if you can tell the difference between the real rack and the replica.)