"The original inspiration for this painting occurred on a February reference trip in Yellowstone. It was very cold and we’d been exploring the high country, looking for painting ideas and gathering reference material all day. As dusk approached it started snowing again. I don’t recall being able to hear any sound. The landscape was hauntingly beautiful. I captured as much as I could until it finally got too dark. On the way down I pondered what I’d experienced. There seemed to be many different ways to try to capture the scene in a painting. The three bulls moving silently through the landscape enhance the feeling of tranquility, leading to the piece you see here."
- Larry Zach
Original Canvas (click here to view)
Image size: 30x17
Framed size: 40.5x27.5
Original Study Canvas (click here to view)
Original Study: 1 @ $950
Image size: 18x14
Framed size: 26x18.5
Master Canvas
SN Edition: 100 canvases @ $295
AP Edition: 25 canvases @ $355
Image size: 30x20
Classic Canvas
SN Edition: 850 prints @ $145
AP Edition: 125 prints @ $175
Image size: 23x13
Encore Canvas
Open Edition: $169 (framed)
Image size: 17x11
Framed size: 23x17.5
Decorator Canvas
Open Edition: $119 (framed)
Image size: 7.5x11
Framed size: 17.25x12.25