Dream Bucks I—The Hole in the Horn Buck is the first image in Larry’s “Dream Bucks” series. There are 12 million deer hunters in the country who love to go out and pursue whitetail deer. No matter what their objective, in the back of their mind is the dream that a monster buck just might come by. This series features some of the bucks of hunters’ dreams, thus the series title, “Dream Bucks.”
The Boone & Crocket record book lists the "Hole In The Horn" buck as the No. 2 non-typical of all time, but many whitetail experts feel it is the largest and most impressive set of whitetail deer antlers in history. It has 45 points, tremendous mass, a spread of 33 inches, and an official net non-typical score of 328 2/8. The “Hole in the Horn” buck is probably the most famous whitetail known and out-scores the Lovstuen buck (Albia buck) featured in several of Larry’s previous paintings.
This famous Ohio non-typical was headline news in the early 1980's when it was "discovered" in the Kent Canadian Club in Kent, Ohio where it had hung since it was found dead along a railroad in 1940. The unbelievable Ohio non-typical got his name from a small hole that goes all the way through one of the drop tines on the right main beam. The deer probably was not killed by a hunter, but, rather, got its antlers entangled in a chain-link fence. As it struggled to free itself, a sharp wire in the fence impaled the antler, leaving the hole for which the deer is best known.
Master Canvas
SN Edition: 100 canvases @ $425
AP Edition: 25 canvases @ $495
Image size: 30x20
Classic Paper
SN Edition: 1250 prints @ $145
AP Edition: 125 prints @ $175
Image size: 22x14.75
Encore Canvas
Open Edition: $169 (framed)
Image size: 17x11
Framed size: 23x17.5
Decorator Canvas
Open Edition: $119 (framed)
Image size: 7.5x11
Framed size: 17.5x13.5
Decorator Paper Print
Open Edition: $159 (framed)
Image size: 7.5x11
Framed size: 17.5x13.5
*Decorator/Encore print framing includes double mat, glass, nameplates, and solid wood frame.